Deck The Halls: The Bauble Edit

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We have only celebrated Christmas in our family home for the last four years, as prior to that we house shared and Christmas was always a time spent with friends. Because of this our Christmas Decoration collection only really started in the last few years when Jack and I settled into our own places and could therefore decorate exactly how we wanted. I feel that I am still in those early years of deciding on what style of Christmas I want and because of that I feel as all the decorations hit the shops, the bauble world is my oyster!

You could say I’m in the “ready to grow my bauble collection” period of my life and I think my “look” will always be colourful with a vintage twist, which is great because so many places offer baubles that have a beautiful vintage feel to them.

Whilst in LA we went to the Rose Bowl Flea Market (yes a second suitcase was purchased) and I picked up a couple of vintage Christmas decorations I knew would survive the flight. The thing was there was almost too much to see and no amount of trying would help me bring back a 3 ft Father Christmas from the 1970’s, but what I did get really got me thinking about the other kind of decorations I wanted.

For me, I know I am always going to be nostalgic so I am making sure that theme always runs through but as I come to purchase, so many new ideas catch my eye. I have split my ideas into 3 sections; baubles that I just want, a true vintage collection (with some eBay gems) and a new vintage collection of baubles that are made with a vintage aspect to them.

Modern Keepsakes

Some of my current favourite sites are Oliver Bonas, Anthropologie and Kate GWilliams who are all offering something a bit different this year. Colourful, glitzy and a little bit special for keeping and getting out year after year.

True Vintage

It’s safe to say that vintage is back in fashion (it never left in my house) and with the great return of the glass character baubles you can find a modern equivalent to some of these vintage gems. If you are wanting true vintage get to eBay or Etsy and snap up a few boxes. Luckily the likes of Gisela Graham are producing very similar new alternatives (top left) and Cox &Cox (top right) which means you can get your hands on vintage style baubles easily this way.

Modern Vintage

I wanted to also share some new decorations that have an element of vintage charm to them but really are a modern alternative. The likes of Debenhams completely surprised me with this bauble garland (bottom middle) which whisked me back to my childhood decorating Nanna’s tree and John Lewis’ version of glass classics in the form of food just really got me smiling.

Having lived at home where mum even changed our sugar cubes to Christmas tree shaped ones, (that woman loves the tiny details), I feel that I am just entering that stage of life where when December hits, home gets a lot more magical! With June entering a great age for “getting it”, this year I hope the Christmas Spirit takes over and we create something special for her.

What are your favourite decorations? Let me know in the comments.